My dog has a raised bump next to his penis and it’s sunken in in…

My dog has a raised bump next to his penis and it’s sunken in in the middle with a black center. His penis is also swollen and he bites at it a few times a day like he’s gonna rip it off. What could it be?

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Brina Cole
Brina Cole
7 years ago

Thank you I’m gonna take him tomorrow here is a pic if it helps any?

Brina Cole
Brina Cole
7 years ago

Thank you

Brina Cole
Brina Cole
7 years ago

So I took him to the vet this morning and it’s a inverted nipple it just looks strange and he irritates it himself when he chews on it but no harm. And as for the irritation it’s just from him pretty much playing with himself as he grows threw puberty he’s just very aggressive with himself and irritates his skin. They said he should grow out of it and everything else is fine.t thank you again for your advice..

Krista Magnifico
7 years ago

I’m sorry but there isn’t enough information to offer any help other than to see your vet and ask them to help you understand what it might be. Im concerned that if you dog is chewing at it that I think might be bothering him. It may be a mass that needs to be removed.

Krista Magnifico
7 years ago

Thanks for adding the photos. I think it might be a pigmented nipple? BUT, it is very hard to guess via a photo AND nipples shouldn’t bother him,,, so seeing the vet is probably the best bet..