My 10 year old cat is randomly pooping on rug. Any suggestions on how to…

My 10 year old cat is randomly pooping on rug. Any suggestions on how to make her stop?

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Krista Magnifico
6 years ago

Hello, This is never an easy answer. Here’s what I tell my clients. 1. Start with a good thorough examination at your vets office. 2. Run senior bloodwork to check thyroid and blood pressure. 3. Look for any evidence of joint pain or disease 4. Keep the litter box really clean. Scoop daily. Dump and clean box weekly. 5. Make sure there are ample boxes for the number of cats you have. Ideally two for the first Cat and an extra for each additional Cat. 6. Get a low sided big box. No cover. See if they like this size… Read more »