I read your blog concerning the wrenching decisions to be made when a dog bites…

I read your blog concerning the wrenching decisions to be made when a dog bites someone. I am curious if "malpractice" or a similar insurance is available to a Veternarian in the event of a civil suit?

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Krista Magnifico
11 years ago

Hello Steve, Veterinarians have malpractice insurance to use if a suit is filed against our license. But even with insurance there is a very high burden placed upon us because we are expected and treated as experts. So, if we know, or believe a pet will bite we are required to notify the owners and document it in the patient file. This posses a terrible dilemma. Do we tell people and worry that they may give up on their pet? Or do we just cover our butts and place the burden on the owner to deal with. I am sure… Read more »