What are you reading from this urinalysis?

collected sample via Free Flow @ 7:00am
Odor: Urinoid
Color: Yellow

What are you reading from this urinalysis?

collected sample via Free Flow @ 7:00am
Odor: Urinoid
Color: Yellow
Clarity: Clear

Leukocytes: 1+
Nitrite: Positive
pH: 6 pH
Protein: 2+
Glucose: Negative
Ketones: Negative
Urobilinogen: Negative
Bilirubin: Negative
Blood: 3+

Specific Gravity: 1.024
WBC: 1-2 per HPF.
RBC: 3-4 per HPF.
Bacteria: None seen
Casts: None seen
Epithelial cells: 2 per HPF.
Crystals: None seen
Other: Granular debris 1+

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Krista Magnifico
11 years ago

Hello!! Well, let’s see.. I in general do not use the stick information for too much other than the glucose, ketones, bilirubin, and pH. The rest of the info is far more accurate if read under the microscope. I want to see white blood cells, red blood cells, and bacteria, casts, cells on the urine sediment under the microscope, and not read it on the stick. By the numbers listed above there the RBCs (red blood cells) and the WBCs (white blood cells) are within normal ranges. But the specific gravity is a little lower than it should be. Especially… Read more »