The cat i recently adopted has started meowing in the middle of the night and…

The cat i recently adopted has started meowing in the middle of the night and wandering around my room. I always check that he has both food and water as well as accessibility to his litter box. I also make sure to leave my door open so that he has freedom to come and go. Ive had him for 3 weeks and he has just started doing this. Anyone have any ideas? I read that it might be because he is bored through out the day but.. ive bought him every type of toy imaginable and he has free roam of the house.. so im not sure what more i can do to tire him out for bedtime. The meow isnt normal is a low bellowy noise. Reminds me of the meow my previous cat did when our other cat died..

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6 years ago

He may still be going through an adjustment period… this might be part of it. Our cat meows very loudly (like a call) right after we all get settled into bed for the night for only a few minutes. Then she gets settled herself. You could try redirecting your cat when this behavior starts. Maybe call to him and see if he will come and settle back down? Another thing to try- you mentioned that you had lots of cat toys- perhaps a good play session with your cat right before bed time will help to get him tired enough… Read more »

Krista Magnifico
6 years ago

Cats are nocturnal creatures. Maybe he is bored or lonely? Maybe a companion for him to play with while you sleep will help.?