I recently adopted a 3 year old male treeing walker coonhound from my local shelter…

I recently adopted a 3 year old male treeing walker coonhound from my local shelter. We don’t know any history on him, but it is clear that the shelter did not work with him while he was there for several months. For the most part, he seems to be housebroke. However, whenever we leave he decides to urinate all over the house. He doesn’t do this when we are home, but we don’t let him out of our sight due to this being an issue. He also has this thing where he doesn’t want to do anything for himself. He doesn’t want to move, he doesn’t want to get up, he doesn’t come when called, he doesn’t ask to go outside, he doesn’t want treats for good behavior, he doesn’t eat a lot. It’s like he does what he wants, on his own time, when he wants. We are being patient with him, but we would really like for him to be a family oriented, trustworthy dog. We also do not want to have a dog we have to keep kenneled. Does anyone have any suggestions on what to do to fix these behaviors?

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Melissa Rumph
Melissa Rumph
8 years ago

Okay, I’m working on the housebreaking thing. But how do I go about teaching him how to play? Or be around people? Whenever I try he seems scared even though I’m extremely calm with him.

Melissa Rumph
Melissa Rumph
8 years ago

Also, any suggestions on how to get him to “come” when I call his name? He looks, just ignores.

8 years ago

I know he isn’t a puppy, but have you looked into beginner obedience class? It’s very good for dogs socially as well a owners for basic training help and how to get started. I highly recommend it. It’s not too expensive (talk to your vet for references and local trainers) and it is money WELL spent. Best if luck!!

Krista Magnifico
8 years ago

In time he will trust you and start coming out of his shell. I see it all the time in rescues. Sometimes it happens in a few days. Other cases take weeks. For now be gentle, use treats to coax him or just pick him up and carry him. He will eventually start to trust and interact.

Krista Magnifico
8 years ago

Hello, Thank you for adopting! It is impossible for a shelter to housebreak a dog. They simply lack the time and resources to do so. Therefore you will need to essentially start from scratch in both housebreaking and crate training as I think it is very very difficult to do one without the other. It is the only way to reward and provide the training your dog needs. I would also presume that your dog might be urinating in the house sullly due to stress when you are away. Your presumption about much of his behavior “he doesn’t want to… Read more »