I recently heard that rescued pets are incapable of showing emotion when taken to their…

I recently heard that rescued pets are incapable of showing emotion when taken to their forever home. This seems contrary to my own observations. My most recent adoption, the kitten I named Scout seemed overwhelmingly happy coming into our home and is basically all over me with affection.

From your professional standpoint, is the happiness they show have any scientific basis?

Best regards,

Steve Hatchett

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11 years ago

Hey Steve!That has got to be one of the silliest things I’ve ever heard. I’ve met quite a few rescued pets and they are some of the friendliest, happiest, most loving critters on the planet. Of course, there is an adjustment period while they get used to you and their new digs. Dogs who are rescued may have come from neglect or abuse in their past, but it doesn’t condemn them to having no connection to the people they live with going forward. I don’t have any scientific basis for my opinions, just observations like yourself. May not have been… Read more »

Kelly Furgason
Kelly Furgason
10 years ago

Hi Steve,
I agree with Sandy in her comments. I think that it is untrue to state that rescue’d pets are incapable of showing emotion. I think it depends on the pet…many are happy go lucky and whatever they’ve been through doesn’t faze them, while others take a bit longer to come out of their shells. Actually, from what I’ve experienced, a rescued animal can be more loving and almost seems grateful for the new love and affection of a new person in their life. Congrats on your adopted kitty!!