My dog was neutered last Thursday (9 days ago). They used dissolvable stitches. I can’t…

My dog was neutered last Thursday (9 days ago). They used dissolvable stitches. I can’t even see the suture sight because it’s healed so well. There is a tiny bit of redness in one spot so that’s probally it but I can’t be sure.
There is a blizzard where I am at and he definitely is getting wet. I’ve tried to shovel out a spot for him but he went wild in the snow (it’s his first time experiencing it!) And ignored my shoveled spot. I don’t see any problem.
I know the vet advised 10-14 days for a lot of activity and getting it wet but I don’t think there is really any way around this.

Do you think there is any real reason to panick if he seems fine and I don’t see any problems down there?

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