My dog recently had puppies, they were all okay but I checked them yesterday and…

My dog recently had puppies, they were all okay but I checked them yesterday and one of them has it’s neck tilted looking to left stuck in place, I believe it was the mother that hurt it because it got mad at it. The puppy with the hurt neck is still alive, I believe it’s eating, and it can walk (has some trouble though because of its head) I just I don’t know what to do, I want to take it to a veterinarian but it’s going to come out pricey for it to be checked out and I don’t have much money. The puppy is three weeks and was hurt 1-3 days ago

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7 years ago

Serious question, Elizabeth…why did you let the bitch carry to full term if you can’t afford vet care for the puppies?

What would you have done if she needed a cesarean? SO MANY emergencies come up with breeding…this is why it’s best left to those with experience and those with mentors.

Krista Magnifico
7 years ago

Your puppy needs a vet. There is no way around it. Please go as quickly as possible and please have your dog spayed.