She has been to the vet to have a check up. Everything looked fine. She’s…

She has been to the vet to have a check up. Everything looked fine. She’s still nursing them and cleaning them but is spending less time with them as of today. She has no symptoms of illness (fever, panting, twitching, etc).

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Brandi D
Brandi D
9 years ago

Her appetite is great! She had her calcium tested (and a full blood panel run) a couple of days ago to be sure and it was perfect. I know it can change though. She is feeding them she just seems really sad and is spending more time away from them. She was so attentive the first few days and would literally sprint back to them after a quick trip outside. She is also trying to nest again like just before she gave birth and she just looks sad. But she does go check on them if they make too much… Read more »

Brandi D
Brandi D
9 years ago

Thank you! She does love her walks so we have been increasing them the last couple of days. I’ve also been spending time sitting in her crate (it’s huge and has a removable top) petting her and encouraging her while she nurses. It seems to have made a little difference but she still just looks so sad.

Brandi D
Brandi D
9 years ago

She did get a full check up including labs done and everything was perfect.

Debbie Harris
Debbie Harris
9 years ago

Try taking her for walks or if she likes to go for car rides do that. To answer your question yes dogs just like humans can get depressed.What Are the Symptoms of Dog Depression? Dog depression symptoms are very similar to those in people, said John Ciribassi, DVM, past president of the American Veterinary Society of Animal Behavior. “Dogs will become withdrawn. They become inactive. Their eating and sleeping habits often change. They don’t participate in the things they once enjoyed.” But vets warn those symptoms also can mean a dog has a medical problem, so the first course of… Read more »