I just recently rescued a male parakeet. He was found cageless, in a driveway! The…

I just recently rescued a male parakeet. He was found cageless, in a driveway! The pet store said they asked around for about 2 months and nobody said they were missing a parakeet. Anyways, his claws are extremely long. We got this perch cover that would file them down, but his back claws are bent outward. We know how to trim them safely, but we don’t want to stress him out. Should we bring him to the vet or are there any tips on how to keep your parakeet calm while trimming their claws?

Thanks. 🙂

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Anna Ikona
Anna Ikona
8 years ago

As this is your first time, I’d let the vet do it first and show you how he/she does it, so that you could do it at home next time. Good luck 🙂

Jennifer Taylor
8 years ago

We would take our childhood parakeets to the Vet to have their nails trimmed. You may be able to find a veterinarian near you who will trim parakeet nails. They are so skilled they are usually able to do it quickly causing little stress. Good luck!