we have recently been told that my dog might have bone cancer in his back…

we have recently been told that my dog might have bone cancer in his back leg, but we cant afford to do anything until after Christmas, if there anything I can do for him as hes in a lot of pain at the moment.

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Charli Bloor
Charli Bloor
9 years ago

I have asked the vet for a payment plan, as they have said we can get doggy morphine for him but there £50 per shot and he will need one a day. there answer for the payment plan was no, they only allow that if the first bill is over £400.

Charli Bloor
Charli Bloor
9 years ago

i have just spoken with another vet (the best around near me) and they said it would be pointless to pay for pain relief as he will have to have his leg amputated anyway, but because hes already struggling to walk with 3 legs the best and kindest thing to do would be to put him down. so we have booked him in for tomorrow :'(

Charli Bloor
Charli Bloor
9 years ago

hes only 2 1/2 years old, the vet said its very rare to find this kind of cancer in a dog younger then 6.

Charli Bloor
Charli Bloor
9 years ago

i cant remember what they called it, all i remember is that footballers get it as well.

9 years ago

can you at least get him to the vet to discuss pain management?

9 years ago

have you tried another vet?

9 years ago

🙁 i’m so sorry, Charli

9 years ago

that’s awful. 🙁 is it osteo?