I recently got a yorkie but I’m not sure of its sex can you help
I recently got a yorkie but I’m not sure of its sex can you help
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Dawn Weir
9 years ago
I think it’s female as I looked underneath and it has at least 8 nipples and is trying to hump things it sits to wee and u read up that male yurkues sit to wee confused ease help
9 years ago
all mammals have nipples. seriously, look for a penis sheath.
actually, because you just got this dog, you should be taking them to the vet (sometime within the first 3 days). ask your vet to help you.
9 years ago
males have a penis, females have a vagina. look on the dog’s belly, you’ll be able to see whether there’s a penis sheath in evidence. they don’t hide. 🙂
I think it’s female as I looked underneath and it has at least 8 nipples and is trying to hump things it sits to wee and u read up that male yurkues sit to wee confused ease help
all mammals have nipples. seriously, look for a penis sheath.
actually, because you just got this dog, you should be taking them to the vet (sometime within the first 3 days). ask your vet to help you.
males have a penis, females have a vagina. look on the dog’s belly, you’ll be able to see whether there’s a penis sheath in evidence. they don’t hide. 🙂