My dog Zeus has a reddish pink pea sized bump on his snout. I’ve looked…

My dog Zeus has a reddish pink pea sized bump on his snout. I’ve
looked up all kinds of things. I think it’s a histiocytoma. It let’s out blood and oozes once in awhile and then fills up fast and big again. If someone can help I want to make sure what it is. The pic is not showing how it really looks. It’s very puffy. Thank you Debbie

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Debbie Fanta
Debbie Fanta
6 years ago

I do have an appt. thought maybe a vet would know.
Thanx Deb

Krista Magnifico
6 years ago

The only way to make sure what it is is by removing it for a biopsy. After that it is educated guesses by the vet. It is not possible to diagnose via a description or picture. Please see your vet. Based on breed, age and an examination they can help guide you to a plan to help resolve it. Good luck.