I have a rescue dog 1 1/2 pit bull I did a meet and greet…

I have a rescue dog 1 1/2 pit bull I did a meet and greet at the park

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Eddie Eidinger
Eddie Eidinger
9 years ago

I had a meet and greet with my golden retriever at the park with my 1.5 year old pit bull rescue It went good but the pit bull wanted to Inge in a playful way she had a wagging tail and didn’t show any aggression not sure what that means i don’t think she had much socializing with other dogs but got a A on her temperament test at the shelter.

9 years ago


karolina dabrowski
karolina dabrowski
9 years ago

That is very very good!! Go to the park as often as you can!! I rescued my boxer/mastiff or cane corso (unsure) and she was extremely shy at the dog park her first time. Now is a completely different story she runs around jumping like a maniac she thinks everyone is friendly. Its really cute. Socialize as much as you can you will be so glad you did everybody will love your dog!! Congrats on doing a really good thing :)!!!