Can I use Revolution and Frontline on my dog at the same time? If not what…

Can I use Revolution and Frontline on my dog at the same time?

If not what about spacing the products apart 2 weeks?

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greg davenport
greg davenport
8 years ago

the revolution does not kill all types of ticks.

PK Dennis
PK Dennis
8 years ago

Why would you want to do this? Revolution kills every thing that Frontline does, plus it kills ear mites, mange, and round worms.  These are very toxic chemicals you are dealing with – would you double dose a child with them?  Of course not, so why even consider doing it to your dog?

Just use the Revolution once a month and forget the Frontline.

PK Dennis
PK Dennis
8 years ago

Oh and the Revolution kills heart worm – Frontline does not.