how do I get rid of fleas on my dog?

how do I get rid of fleas on my dog?

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sam m
sam m
8 years ago

you need get a shampoo that will kill fleas and comb them all out. you also need to kill all the fleas in your house so your dog doesn’t keep getting them.

PK Dennis
PK Dennis
8 years ago

To get rid of fleas on the dog, you need to get ride of the fleas in your house and yard.  Here is how I make sure my home is flea free: Use flea and tick shampoo in a hose-end sprayer and spray the YARD and foundation of your home – especially around the doorways.  This helps reduce the number of fleas there.  You can also use diatomaceous earth, mix it with water and sprinkle around the yard and foundations.  More on DE below. Inside your home, get Diatomaceous Earth (food quality only! – not the stuff they sell for… Read more »