The dog only eats 2-3 morsels if any. Shouldn’t this food be kept in a…

The dog only eats 2-3 morsels if any. Shouldn’t this food be kept in a glass or metal containers?
Can dry dog food turn rancid and put off a gas that makes it difficult to breath. I’ve been smelling this for months and its getting worse. Can this be unhealthy for me?

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carolyn autuori
carolyn autuori
9 years ago

Thank you, after I showed her your comment. She doesn’t believe it but she went and bought 73% hamburger meat, and cooked it in microwave with frozen green peas. I know dogs can eat peas if run through food processor. I had a lasa apso 28 years and a pekingnese 14 years and never seen anything like this. Im too the point of wanting to take the dog to a vet to make sure its okay. The animal seems happy, energetic but skin is dry, hair is course and shedding terribly.I’m just concerned as this is her first dog and… Read more »

carolyn autuori
carolyn autuori
9 years ago

Thank you, PK Dennis,

I will show her this comment as well. Yes, I will get a new roommate as Icannot sit and watch this dog get fed this way. Im so concerned if something happens to her dog while she’s gone,she will blame me. I’ve never let either of my two dogs go without the best food available. My dogs ate like princesses and prince’ s until I had to put them down. They were my children. This has open my eyes that everyone shouldn’t own animals! God bless.

PK Dennis
PK Dennis
9 years ago

Jana is right on!  Plus I need to think that if the dog is not skin and bones, and is leaving food in a dish for weeks there is too much food down at any one time! Dog food should be purchased in small quantities, stored in an air tight container and fed to the dog according to the instructions on the package.  AND being a responsible dog owner includes buying the best food one can afford — and anyone but the homeless can afford better than expired dry food from a discount store. Put that food out for the… Read more »

9 years ago

Here is a problem with expired food or with food exposed to air – it’s poisonous. The nutrients degrade and more importantly the fats go rancid. It’s definitely BAD for the dog. I don’t know whether or not inhalation of the odor would be an issue to a person; theoretically you smell by exposure to “particles” so I’d say potentially yes. I understand that your roommate’s finances might call for budgeting but this is a very bad way of saving money. I’m surprised the dog is still alive. There are affordable dog foods out there which don’t have to be… Read more »