Elliott, the senior adjusted very quickly to getting a new home a year ago…

Elliott, the senior adjusted very quickly to getting a new home a year ago. Seems possessive of his cage, at least with the dog. Pinapple, the baby seems very people friendly and hand tamed. He is sharing a cage with another green cheek of the same age at the pet store

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Kelly Furgason
Kelly Furgason
9 years ago

Hi Ashley,I just love green cheeks!! I used to have several and they are just wonderful. Nandays tend to be a  little bit larger as well as more “possessive” and more boisterous birds than the green cheeks. But you can certainly try them together. I would NOT recommend just sticking them together in a cage and hoping for the best. First, you’d want to keep them isolated for at least 2 weeks until or until you can take your new bird to a vet for a general exam/check up and to rule out any disease. Next, once your vet clears… Read more »