Scooter, my cat for over 21 years slept by my chest every night. He became sick earlier …

Scooter, my cat for over 21 years slept by my chest every night. He became sick earlier this year and had to be euthanized. Within days of losing him one of my other cats has decided to do everything in her power to keep me up at night. She will knock things over, turn off my cpap machine, etc. until I finally give in and get up and go downstairs with her. I usually will do stuff on the computer or straighten up. She usually just sits by me and after about 2 hours I can go back up to bed followed by her for about 5 or 6 hours. She is healthy, playful, friendly. Lately she has gotten worse and wants to be up more often. Tried locking her out of our room but she has clawed the carpet and the door. I cannot lock her in another room because she will do the same thing. I have been so exhausted that on a few occasions I have put her in the carrier for a few hours so I can get some sleep. She goes in willingly and makes bo noise while she is in there. I have tried to keep her up several hours before going to bed but nothing works.

Any suggestions. Oh she is about 10 years old. One odd thing is that if one of my other cats is sleeping with me which is rare, she will not bother me.

Thank you

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Krista Magnifico
4 years ago

Hello, I’m sorry for the loss of your kitty. The veterinarian in me wants to say that you should start at the vets office. Assuming your cat is healthy isn’t enough of an assurance that they are. A thorough exam, full bloodwork and a urine with thyroid are all indicated in my opinion. Start there. If all of that is normal ask about trying a medication or pheromone like feliway. If all else fails consider (and consider anyway) getting a companion for your kitty to play with at whatever time of day or night they want to. If you cannot… Read more »