I have a 14 year old cat who is a seasonal vomiter. She rarely…

I have a 14 year old cat who is a seasonal vomiter. She rarely has an issue October – April, but the vomiting becomes frequent May – September. I held off on her topical flea treatment this year thinking that may be the cause but the vomiting started in May as usual. She vomits food, grass, and fur; there can be as many as 9 events per month. This is the 3rd year in a row this has happened. What could be the cause?

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7 years ago

What has your vet done so far for diagnostics?

7 years ago

I would worry that something else is wrong. Could this be allergies? Could she be getting into something outside? Have you considered keeping her inside due to her age? You *may* be able to better contain her vomiting if you can control the environment more closely.