My one and a half year old cat seems to have a sore at the…

My one and a half year old cat seems to have a sore at the corner of her mouth. It might just be a small scab, she is eating normally/drinking water and going in the liter box like normal. I’m not sure if we should take her to the vet if it could be something really bad or if it’s nothing. Please let me know, thank you

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Bridgette Gomez
Bridgette Gomez
5 years ago

Thank you so much!!

Krista Magnifico
5 years ago

Hello, It looks like it might just be a wound? Or scratch, something minor.. I have seen it happen to my cat when they are playing with each other. I would monitor it and call your vet if it worsens or persists longer than a day or two. Also, things like this are a great opportunity to reach out to your vet to make sure everything else is current (vaccines, preventatives, even a quick check to make sure the microchip is where we left it), and tell them you are a little concerned about it. They can help if you… Read more »