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Tracy Moore
Tracy Moore
7 years ago

My cat used to have seizures, it was really scary. Come to find out, it was caused by feeding her people food. We stopped giving her people food type treats and she hasn’t had a seizure since.
I would hold her and talk to her while she siezed. She was always very disoriented when it was over and went exploring the house like she’d never been there. It turns my stomach in knots remembering those horrible times.

7 years ago

Seizures in animals, like in humans, can present differently. If you suspect your cat had a seizure, please call your vet right away and explain exactly what happened and why you suspect a seizure and get an appointment. I hope your cat is ok!

7 years ago
Krista Magnifico
7 years ago

I agree! Seizures can be hard, even for a vet, to distinguish. Please play it safe and see a vet. I will also add that I see a large number of cats who present looking like a seizure but are in fact a toxin exposure. Like a topical treatment, getting into drugs from their owners, exposure to drugs (from their owner), ingestion from grooming, etc. etc. Cats are very sensitive beings please see a vet immediately if anything is abnormal, or concerning.