I have a senior cat who was receiving insulin but is now off of it…

I have a senior cat who was receiving insulin but is now off of it per the Doctor’s orders. His glucose level has returned to normal, at least for now, by way of the DM cat food only.

The cat has become very playful, like a kitten, during the last week or so. Should I be concerned about the change in behavior?

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6 years ago

Hi there? If your cat s feeling well enough to be playful and happy, I would take that as a gift. We have a senior dog who has given us the same thing and we are just making sure to enjoy as much time with him as we can, while we can. You could always mention the behavior change at your next vet visit if it is a concern…. however, my thinking is that since he’s feeling good that he is just letting you know. ??

Krista Magnifico
6 years ago

I agree with Sarah! This all sounds like excellent news.. but ANY change in behavior should be discussed with your vet, and frequent recheck of blood glucose are the best way to monitor for the progression and state of this disease process. Also, if you see a change in water intake, or the size of the urine clumps (if clumping litter) in the box are also,
let us know how things go,,
