I have this puppy Pom. She had a mange with mites condition going on i…

I have this puppy Pom. She had a mange with mites condition going on i now have her on treatment some type of shot set of 3 really. She has had the first one and i have done one borax hydrogen peroxide water dip. Wondering when it would be safe to let her back in the livingrooms and carpets with us??

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Cybthia Alvarez
Cybthia Alvarez
9 years ago

Thanks anyway. Zoe is happy now.

Cybthia Alvarez
Cybthia Alvarez
9 years ago

I have called the office several times.. they are a hospital also and are very busy.. have yet to have returned my call.. I went ahead and let her inn already i couldn’t take it anymore having her locked up away from us anymore shes a puppy who wants only attention.. its been a week of quarantine already… I gave inn.