My Serbian Husky is throwing up constantly. Today she has at least throwed up 20…

My Serbian Husky is throwing up constantly. Today she has at least throwed up 20 times. I just recently got her 3 days ago. She’s 5 years old. Her stomach cringes and she will stop gagging then a puddle of slimy clear liquid with a little foam like substance will come out. After she eats she throws it up and you can see the food and it looks like it hasn’t been chewed up. When it does this, it’s ALOT. It’s really white and foamy. I have no clue what it is and I’m freaking out!

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Britney Kidd
Britney Kidd
8 years ago

She has parvo.. 🙁 I got her medicines today!

Nicole L
Nicole L
8 years ago

Has she ate anything new? Like change of food or new treats? Human food? Are you feeding her the same foods her last owner fed her?

8 years ago

I’d get to a vet as soon as possible. Simply because if she isn’t keeping anything down at all, dehydration will become a serious issue. The vet can get fluids into her and then better assess the situation. Good luck.

Krista Magnifico
8 years ago

She should go immediately to the closest emergency clinic. They will examine your dog, provide injectable anti nausea medications and even sedate your dog so the vomiting stops and the tissue can begin to heal. I also get extremely concerned that these cases might be something like gdv/bloat, obstruction, toxin, or disease. Any dog who vomits more than a few times, or has intractable vomiting needs a vet immediately.