Sexing a 10 day old kitten; I have now nursed this kitten it’s full 10…

Sexing a 10 day old kitten; I have now nursed this kitten it’s full 10 days of life. Its eyes almost completely opened today so I’d really like to give it a name.. I know it’s hard to be sure until he’s older but I think a BOY! Opinions?

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Cherish Yuppa
Cherish Yuppa
8 years ago

When should I upload a new pic for you to see lol? My fur ball will be 2 weeks tomorrow

Cherish Yuppa
Cherish Yuppa
8 years ago

When would be better to tell?my fur ball is two weeks tomorrow

Dawn Ferara, DVM
Dawn Ferara, DVM
8 years ago

Honestly the second pic I thought was female, but the picture is blurry.  Go for a gender neutral name like Morgan!!