My Shepherd 3 yr old Shepherd tends to get a little anxious. When we used…

My Shepherd 3 yr old Shepherd tends to get a little anxious. When we used a professional trainer, he explained we should keep a bone or something for her to latch onto. She has latched onto a couple of the plastic Nylabones and chomps down pretty hard. I have noticed the plastic now has some sharp pieces and is cutting the side of her mouth. I am looking for a bone that she can use as her “go to” when she feels she needs to. We also have a 12 wk old Husky, who I would like for her to have one to chew also but want something that won’t hurt them. Any suggestions???

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7 years ago

So, I’m reading this as she’s biting down once and causing serious damage to the bone. To be quite honest, if she’s causing that kind of damage with just one chomp, I don’t know that there’s anything truly safe to give her. If she’s gnawing on it and causing this sort of damage over time, there are MUCH better options to give her. I would not buy Nylabones, as they are not edible and the plastic should not be ingested. I would, instead, look for more natural options. Antlers, marrow bones are both decent options, just be vigilant in checking… Read more »