She’s 9 months. She bites and scratches her back legs and under her front armpits…

She’s 9 months. She bites and scratches her back legs and under her front armpits. These places are now red raw and have no fur. Vet changed her food to hills allergy and skin care food and gave me a special shampoo to wash her twice a week but nothing seems to help. She’s also been treated for fleas. Please help as I’m worried about her.

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Debbie Harris
Debbie Harris
9 years ago

I have been working with my pets.  It’s not easy to treat them when they have skin problems.  If your pet is still scratching and etc.  get a second opinion,  Also be aware of the surroundings for example is there mold in the house; how often do you spray air fresheners in the air; when you mop the floors are you making sure to throughly rinse them so that the floors don’t have residue from the cleaners.  Rule of thumb what goes up must come down.  In other words anything you spray,mop,clean make sure the pets aren’t around because if… Read more »

Alan Abrams
Alan Abrams
9 years ago

Did he do any lab work?  Skin scrapings?  Allergy testing?