Should my 15yo cat perform nasal polyps removal operation? Good Afternoon Doctor. I came across your …

Should my 15yo cant perform nasal polyps removal operation?

Good Afternoon Doctor.
I came across your Youtube video that you are performing Nasal Polyps removal operation to young cat.
My question is should my 15yo cat young enough to receive this operation.
Currently he is on Steroid and Yuan Bio medication but it is starting to wear-out.
Those medication worked great for the first month but now he is having discomfort in respiratory again.
My cat is not young but I would like to maintain the QOL of the cat and wanted to know if this helps.
If so, what will be the rough estimate and how long does she might have.
I know this is hard to speculate without actually seen the cat but just a ballpark will be appreciated
Thank you


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Krista Magnifico
5 months ago

In my experience I have never seen a polyp in a cat this old. It is far more likely that this is a neoplastic mass (cancer) than a polyp. If you are concerned about your cats quality of life than I would do and consider doing anything and everything to alleviate her discomfort and try to improve her life.