He’s 4
He walks fine but he’s shaking. I put a blanket over him and he…

He’s 4
He walks fine but he’s shaking. I put a blanket over him and he stopped shaking as much. Sometimes he won’t shake at all. I’m nervous and need advice on what to do.

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Brett Raio
Brett Raio
9 years ago

This happened yesterday around this time of day.

Brett Raio
Brett Raio
9 years ago

Thank you for the response!

Megan Hensler
Megan Hensler
9 years ago

Hello Brett, I would recommend taking your pup to your veterinarian. He may or may not have experienced some degree of head trauma. Your veterinarian will perform a physical and neurological exam and then best be able to treat or direct you to a specialist if need be. Hope he is doing better soon!