She is quidding when she eats (even mushy food) and even when she’s not eating…

She is quidding when she eats (even mushy food) and even when she’s not eating, so looks like she has something wrong with her mouth. We thought it was un chewed food that made her sick, but even feeding other food like pate cat food that’s mush (similar to mince fish-no chunks) still makes her sick. she’s painfully thin and really not her self. its like she’s got a stomach problem and a mouth/teeth/throat problem.

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Ed Harries
Ed Harries
8 years ago

Do you know if there is anything specific I shoukd ask them to do? blood work? X ray? urine test?

Dawn Ferara, DVM
Dawn Ferara, DVM
8 years ago

I would definitely seek a second opinion or a veterinary internist.