My dog has been having diarrhea for about 4 days now, and is only eating…

My dog has been having diarrhea for about 4 days now, and is only eating at night. He will happily eat two meals worth at night. He has been having super smelly farts. I noticed that the farts seem to come mostly after he eats (several an hour for a couple hours), but through the rest of the day, its about once every few hours. His diet doesn’t really change, but he does love spending a lot of time in the back yard.

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Dawn Ferara, DVM
Dawn Ferara, DVM
8 years ago

I recommend having a vet do an exam, fecal float (to look for parasites) and possibly x-rays.  Diarrhea for 4 days in a dog this large is not an emergency but he should be seen by a vet soon.