My husky is 5 months old so he is still in an awkward growing stage…

My husky is 5 months old so he is still in an awkward growing stage. His ears and snout are fully developed like an adult dog, but the rest of his body is still growing. He has all husky features such as pointy stiff ears, blue almond-shaped eyes, big bushy tail, little husky-like paws, and he runs very fast and light on his feet. He has a husky mask pattern on his face, but his pattern on his body is blotched with black and white? Very confused. I thought maybe he was just a piebald husky, but lots of people are saying he’s mixed? Not sure. Can someone help me out? 🙂

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PK Dennis
PK Dennis
8 years ago

It is almost impossible to tell the DNA makeup of a dog without DNA testing.  And even then, the results may be pretty vague.  For $80 you can do a Mars Wisdom Panel that will tell you if your dog is mostly one breed or another, but other than that it can be disappointing. I have used the DNA test 4 times and each time the results have helped me understand the personality of the dog I was testing. Seems like you have a good handle on what you dog may be – but if you have the money, DNA… Read more »

8 years ago

unfortunately that photo only shows his face and nothing useful of his body, but based on your description it sounds like he has a splash coat: