for 2-3 weeks. My kittens have eye discharge on can hardly open his eyes, obvious…

for 2-3 weeks. My kittens have eye discharge on can hardly open his eyes, obvious difficulty breathing, sneezing, decreased in appetite, though they still eat… Sometimes I worry because there breathing get’s so shallow, or when my boy is laying in me it’s like breath is being punched out of him every time he breaths, they both sneese, but the girl is worse than the boy with that, and they sleepn so much. They’ve gotten out more than a few times, but they are indoor cats. I’m trying lycine until I can take them to the vet, but they don’t like it so it’s hard to get them to take it, and I’m keeping food and fresh water. I just so worried. I think maybe, it could be a uri, and maybe some autoimmune disorder because they were born from a feral colony and a lot of them have something going on, but what do I do and how can I help them, until I can get them to the vet. I’m so worried.

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9 years ago

i would move the vet visit up to tomorrow if at all possible.