My sister moved in 3 years ago with her dog and then left for 1…

My sister moved in 3 years ago with her dog and then left for 1 1/2 years. I’m getting her dog back and I was wondering if my dogs will remember her.

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caroline challita
caroline challita
9 years ago

Hi Cheryl, as Jana said they do remember alot! My dads dogs do recognize every singal person and even other pets years later. Also as Jana said keep in mind that recognising isnt enough (just like us humans) sometimes recognizing could mean something negative in their heads. Like a dog knowing that a certain pet will hurt her. I’ve noticed the recognition from the dogs reactions.

9 years ago

From my experience, dogs remember things much better than we’d figure. Jasmine would need to meet a person just once and would remember them years later. She remembered EVERYTHING.

I think your dog will remember her. I would still introduce them with the same rules as introduction of a new dog, though. On neutral territory and all that. Because remembering someone doesn’t automatically mean being happy to have them barge into your home.