My sister has several female barn cats who have had multiple litters of kittens. …

My sister has several female barn cats who have had multiple litters of kittens. I am willing to pay to have them spayed and vaccinated. Low cost spay/neuter places have a 6-8 week waiting list. I am willing to pay full price for the spay. I am looking for a clinic where I can bring them one at a time. Have them vaccinated and spayed. My vet is requiring a preop visit and then I would have to schedule spay. This would basically be impossible for me to do. Why can’t this all be done at one time? Trap/neuter/release programs do this all the time. Do you have any suggestions or know of any vet clinics that can accommodate me?

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Krista Magnifico
5 years ago

If you are a client of Jarrettsville Vet please call and ask for me or Jen. We can help you make this happen. And I often give discounts for getting a colony of cats spayed and neutered. I’m happy to help. Thank you for helping her. The clinic is 410-692-6171