This website should have qualified people checking in and answering people’s questions. Until that happens…

This website should have qualified people checking in and answering people’s questions. Until that happens this website won’t work the way it was intended. Now I don’t know if my dog is in shock, has a concussion or is just fine.

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Brett Raio
Brett Raio
9 years ago

Thank you for your response, I didn’t see any comments on many of the questions asked by people today but about an hour after I posted this comments started popping up. Thank you, I really like this site 🙂

Brett Raio
Brett Raio
9 years ago

You should take a look at my website >>

Brett Raio
Brett Raio
9 years ago

You should take a look at my website >>

9 years ago

i have seen no fewer than 4 veterinarians checking in, when they have free time, to offer free advice.  emergencies, however, should be handled by YOUR vet.  sudden cranial trauma would be considered a possible emergency in my book, and i would have taken my dog in to my vet by now.

9 years ago

Keep in mind: this website doesn’t have staff. People answer the things they can when they can. Expecting instant results from a free website is not the wisest choice.

Please get your dog to a vet.

9 years ago

Brett, peddling your music website is in appropriate for the purpose of Pawbly.

julie brader
julie brader
9 years ago

We do have Vets on this site. Our Vet Krista founded it!

I think you will find that most of us have vast experience of owning dogs or cats…or both.

I personally have owned dogs for well over 40 years ..have judged, shown and bred Weimaraners and Cockers…and owned Golden Retrievers and Labradors.

However we cannot diagnose what is wrong with the animal on here. It could put their lives at risk ….we cannot see the animal or how they are acting. Therefore we always advise an owner to seek professional help and advice if they are concerned.