So I had the question a few hours ago about missing a dose of heart worm …

So I had the question a few hours ago about missing a dose of heart worm medicine. My pups, Penny & Sampson are your patients. Sorry for the lack of information. They are indoor dogs except for walks and potty time in the yard. Should I have them tested before giving it to them again. Thank you!

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Krista Magnifico
5 years ago

Hello, Thanks for clarifying. I can’t really tell you what to do but I can explain the scenarios either way. The reason we test is to check Heartworm status of the patient. For new patients starting the medication we want to make sure they are negative before starting meds so we don’t miss a patient harboring adults in the heart. Over time Heartworms In The heart can be fatal. Your dogs were tested in feb (Sampson) and April (penny) and clear. We test yearly if they stay on meds year around. The advantage is that we will catch a dog… Read more »