So I take my dog to Chadwell Vet and they are recommending a ACL surgery and …

So I take my dog to Chadwell Vet and they are recommending a ACL surgery and my daughter-in-law recommended you all I have gone to a surgical what are you would love to stay in the county to have her if you could give me pricing for the acl surgery.

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Krista Magnifico
1 month ago

The pre op coat is about $50 exam, $170 blood work, $200 X-rays and $125 radiology review.

The cost of the surgery is about $3500-3800 based on weight.

Post op care is $200 for X-rays.

We have a boarded surgeon who does the TPLOs.

If interested call the clinic and set up an exam with one of the doctors.

Krista Magnifico
1 month ago

Pre op cost.