So Stella just pooped a red gelatinous blob and I have no idea what this is. …

So Stella just pooped a red gelatinous blob and I have no idea what this is. Could it be anal glands or diarrhea from maybe finding our fruit snacks on the floor? She’s been pooping a bit more than usual.. Maybe 4-5 times per day. She seems totally fine otherwise except for wiping her butt on the floor (sorry so gross). Her poop just before this happened seemed like diarrhea.. PS Stella is a Morkie (yorkshire terrier mixed with maltese) and 3 years old.

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Krista Magnifico
5 years ago

I have to say I have never heard fruit snacks come out just like they went in? Is there a human out there to confirm. And why is she eating fruit snacks? My bet is it is from the colon. Dogs with large bowel diarrhea often get red gelatinous feces (we call it “raspberry jam” because we relate everything to food (gross!)). My recommendation (as your vet which I am) is to check her gum color, make sure they are pink and not red or pale, check her gums for tackiness (indicating dehydration) and then stop feeding for about 12… Read more »