I’M DESPERATE! SOMEONE PLEASE HELP ME!!! I have a 3 1/2 year old purebred Coonhound…

I’M DESPERATE! SOMEONE PLEASE HELP ME!!! I have a 3 1/2 year old purebred Coonhound who we adopted from our local shelter. He is an awesome dog, however, he won’t stop using the bathroom in my house! Since day 1 he has done this. At first we thought maybe not housebroken, then we realized he only does it when we leave. We’ve tried everything- a trainer, working on the anxiety, crate training (that’s a no go), I’ve read so much stuff, watched so many videos, gave him treats, kept him busy when we leave, asked the vet (who is very old school mind you so not really helpful), benadryl, calming aides, asked for suggestions on here, different washes on the floor, punishing whe caught in the act, blocking off the area he goes too, EVERYTHING. Nothing is working. We’re at our witz end with him and it breaks my heart. However, now he has my other little dog doing it and she has never done it- she even knows she did something bad when we get home. I would hate to see him go back to the shelter where he probably will end up staying because of this but I don’t know what else to do. I NEED A MIRACLE. ANYBODY. PLEASE HELP!!! (Tyia).

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7 years ago

I’m so sorry you’re having a hard time. It is impossible to help you over the Internet. You say you had a trainer – what kind of a trainer and what did they do exactly or what they had you do? You tried working on anxiety – again, what did you do and for how long? You tried crate training – what size/type of crate and how did you introduce it, how did you crate-train and why exactly it was a no go? Punishing, of course, never works. You say it’s one particular spot only? Is it when you leave… Read more »

Nora Greenia
Nora Greenia
7 years ago

Dogs will soil where the eat, sleep etc if they have been kept in areas where they had no choice from a young age. A dog that is a soiler takes months of work. This is not a problem that is solved in just a few weeks. there are no quick fixes for this. First, you have a coon hound. this is a high energy, hard headed dog, that likes to have a job. A really tired coon hound is usually a good coon hound. Hounds are very hard headed and can be very difficult to train, especially once they… Read more »