This is something I see asked often elsewhere online but don’t know the answer…what are…

This is something I see asked often elsewhere online but don’t know the answer…what are the symptoms of a PARTIAL bowel obstruction in both dogs and cats?

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7 years ago

Ah, apologies. Foreign body partial obstruction – for example, a corn cob that isn’t fully obstructing the bowel, but may not have fully passed.

I get asked about symptoms quite a bit (“I’m not sure if Fluffy pooped it all out” is the most common thing I hear) and I’d love some guidance to help folks understand their dog’s behaviors a bit better.

7 years ago

And for cats…DO they get foreign body partial obstructions often enough to have a checklist of symptoms?

Krista Magnifico
7 years ago

It depends on a huge number of things.. like species, breed, age, the type of obstruction and where it happens. For instance is this cancer, food, foreign body… and where it is,, i.e. Intestines, colon, stomach. Etc. sorry. I can try to help more with a better idea of what you’re thinking/worried about