Ripley has a lick sore with broken skin on her rear leg. She already…

Ripley has a lick sore with broken skin on her rear leg. She already has a routine vet visit scheduled for Friday, and we would like to avoid moving that up if possible. Wondering what I can do in the interim to prevent her from chewing on it more. It is not bleeding at the moment.

I have bitter apple on hand but with the broken skin I’m afraid of irritating it further.

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Emily Herbel
Emily Herbel
9 years ago

I’m not a vet, but have you tried putting a cone on her? You can get one at any pet supply store and they are pretty inexpensive. It will make it harder for her to get her mouth to her leg.

PK Dennis
PK Dennis
9 years ago

Laura, Have you gotten all the grain out of her diet?  Including treats?  In the long run being grain-free will help her system while it tries to heal itself.   The three things I do to help a dog that is itching (other than treating them for whatever caused the itch in the first place) are: 1. Rinsing the area or the entire dog with cider vinegar and water (1/3 vinegar, 2/3 water – I like organic vinegar.  If the dog is white you may want to use a white vinegar cause the cider can stain the coat).  Do not… Read more »