My dog has sore, smelly ears, they are very dirty inside (black) and itchy and…

My dog has sore, smelly ears, they are very dirty inside (black) and itchy and they really bug him.
We took him to a vet and after spending over $600 they are still the same. The vet wasn’t even really sure what she could do for him and didn’t know what it was.
She put him on medications and told us to clean his ears regularly and gave us stuff for that. But the medications made him start acting weird and we were concerned about that. So I was looking for any ideas on how to help my boy, I’d say his ears are as bad as they’ve ever been and that is still with regular cleaning, any thing I can try to do for him, I am willing. Unfortunately we can’t really afford too much more of a vet bill so if theres anything I can do for him at home or without a vet would be better.. I was trying to do some research online but came across this site.. any ideas would be greatly appreciated??

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Krista Magnifico
7 years ago

Hello, I’m so sorry to hear that your dog is struggling and the vet hasn’t been able to provide relief. Here is the dilemma. Until you understand why they are so bad it is very diffilcult to resolve them. In some dogs it is anatomy, breed, allergies, disease, and/or infection, etc. at my clinic if I can’t resolve the issue within 2-3 trips I refer to a dermatologist. They are your best bet at identifying and treating the underlying cause so that the bad ears don’t return. I wish I could offer a silver bullet and magic answer. I wish… Read more »