I have a notification sounds in my phone and my dog hates it. When.is goes…

I have a notification sounds in my phone and my dog hates it. When.is goes off she starts to shake. She then gets really close to someone. For example, if we were sitting on the couch and the sound went off, she would try to get up on the couch along with us and sit on my lap and she would be trembling. I’m not sure why she is acting this.

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Krista Magnifico
8 years ago

I’m sorry but I don’t understand what your question is? Please ask your vet about conditioning behavior training if your dog seems to be afraid.

Anne Springer
Anne Springer
8 years ago

It sounds as though your dog is fearful of the noise. With noise sensitivities, we can use desensitization and counterconditioning to acclimate the dog to the sound. We would start by playing the sound at a very low volume (low enough so the dog doesn’t have the fear response) and giving a treat about one second after the sound occurs. When we shut off the noise, the food stops. So, the dog learns that the noise predicts the food. You may need the help of a good trainer or behaviorist to do this conditioning, but the god news is that… Read more »