My spaniel has a cut on his rear right leg about 5cm by 2cm. No…

My spaniel has a cut on his rear right leg about 5cm by 2cm. No longer bleeding. Not bothering him. Should I go to a vet

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Zac Warn
Zac Warn
8 years ago

The cut itself isn’t very deep. 5cm long by 2 wide. Nothing is damage besides what appears to be skin. He is walking on it fine and not even trying to lick it clean. The cut now is about 6hrs old. Rang the emergency vet and they roughly quoted 1600$. That’s to see us, and stitches if needed. It’s cleaned. Waiting upon morning to readjust the situation and see if we need to go to a normal vet

8 years ago

Oh, so more of a scrape than a cut then. What did you clean it with? Clean is most important. I normally use Betadine solution, rinsing generously. Soapy water I think can be used as well. Then I monitor for it being licked or messed with, as well as for redness, swelling and bad odor. With Cookie’s we were applying raw Manuka Honey. If using bandage, we change 3x daily.

8 years ago

How old is the cut? The 2cm is depth? As a general rule, yes, you should go to a vet. Provided no “functional” tissues are damaged, and if you cannot see a vet, two things that are crucial – cleaning it really well and keeping it infection free. But best policy is to see a vet.