My Staffie Bitch keeps eating weeds and grass from our back garden. She constantly waits…

My Staffie Bitch keeps eating weeds and grass from our back garden. She constantly waits at the back door as if she needs to go to the toilet. Do you know what’s causing her to behave like this?

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B. Lakonpa
B. Lakonpa
9 years ago

I’ve read that dogs do this because their ancestors used to eat animals that ate grass so it was part of their diet and now dogs eat grass because of that. I’m not sure how much truth this holds but, nonetheless, it sure is interesting. I think it’s a fairly normal thing. My dogs have never thrown up after eating it.

Vicki Hamill
Vicki Hamill
9 years ago

Nature’s way of dealing with Stomach issues. He’ll throw up shortly and all will be well !!?