My standard poodle scratches her head and snout until it’s raw and bloody… Could this…

My standard poodle scratches her head and snout until it’s raw and bloody… Could this be a skin condition? I feel so helpless and don’t want her hurting herself anymore 🙁

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Ashley Labelle
Ashley Labelle
9 years ago

I was told to give her Benedryl as it was probably an allergy. But it’s been continuous

teresa vogt
teresa vogt
9 years ago

Not a Vet, just looking thru the questions.. I have had Cats that would do similar to the back and tail.. it was thought to be an allergy.. some one cortisone shot later she stopped the chewing and rubbing we now give her a mild half childs dose of antihistamine.. Pets can be allergic to Fleas, Grass it is as wide as humans.. the shampoo used, it could also be a sinus flair up causing the need for the poodle to try to get the irritant out.. you might look at is there something that happens before she starts her… Read more »