What do I start feeding a bottle fed puppy at 4 weeks?

What do I start feeding a bottle fed puppy at 4 weeks?

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Dawn Ferara, DVM
Dawn Ferara, DVM
8 years ago

I would get a good quality puppy kibble and soften it with the puppy milk.  Good Luck

julie brader
julie brader
8 years ago

Hello Bettye, there are a few foods you can use to wean the puppies.

A lot of people use baby rice but mix it with goats milk, dogs cannot digest cows milk.

You don’t say what breed the puppies are but for my Cocker Spaniel puppies I used to give then a walnut size ball of raw minced steak once s day.

Do some research on the internet and you’ll find lots of advice on what to feed puppies of your breed/size. Good luck!